DRAFT - Blog post idea

5 – Focus on democracy and freedom. In a government by, for, and of the people, there is, or should be, no distinction between the public and the government. The consequences are:Empathy: government should care about, and for, the public;Transparency: government should inform the public truthfully;Freedom and Opportunity: the private depends on public resources, both for private enterprise and private life. For example, if you’re not educated, you’re not free. If you have no health care, you’re not free. If you’re impoverished, you lack opportunity.Republicans are destroying all of these by:Removing “regulations,” which are public protections;Imposing gag rules and budget cuts on government agencies removes transparency;Privatizing education, protection, communication, infrastructure, nature; etc. are attacks on freedom)---https://georgelakoff.com/mentions/georgelakoff/hat tip laura olin